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Beautiful, Not Broken

There will be days where you wake up and just feel broken. Where small, daily and insignificant motions will feel like an uphill battle. Where getting dressed, drying your eyes and being able to share in simple conversations with people, feel beyond your limits.  

Where all the usual commotion of everyday events feel like they’re crashing so loudly in your mind, and the pace of everything seems to be stuck on super speed. 

Where confident and capable are nowhere to be found and all you feel is out of place. 

Where the usual affirmations, inspirational and empowering practices you have used in the past barely seem to pierce the surface. Where the world seems strange and you feel disconnected, and all you want is to hide away in your warm, expectation free bed, in the quiet stillness that it promises. 

But you are not broken. You see the culture we’ve created has lost sight of honoring the natural rhythms of our feminine existence. They’ve disregarded the elements we need to thrive. Our need for quiet and slow has been covered with push through and crazy busy. We’ve created a world where working long and resting less are seen as heroic. Where long lists and ticked boxes dictate our achievements and the powerful voices of our intuition are over run by alarms and reminders. 

Where there’s a pill for tired and a pill for stressed and assessments are done to us, not by us. Where symptoms are masked and our natural way of being made to feel like an inconvenience. This is not how we are meant to be. 

There is a time for outward and forward, for boldness and assertion. For powering through with vibrant energy and getting things done with stamina and endurance. But there’s also a time for inward and introspect, for rest and renewal. A time for self-reflection and reassessment. For making space for stillness and quiet so the voice inside your soul can be heard and re-connected with. 

But we need to stop, we need to make room. We need to feel it all. We need to honour and reconnect with our internal guidance system and become in tune with what we really desire. We need to relish the calm and learn to sit with just ourselves, while letting all the other noises fade out.  We need to ride with the natural flow of the universe and recognise that we are a part of it.

When we feel broken and defeated our mind is open. Our walls are down and are souls are raw and uninhibited. As painful as it may feel it’s also a perfect time to bridge our outside 

world with our inner spirit. To build much needed and ever so power practices into our lives. Ones that protect and nurture. That strengthen and empower. That guide us away from the opinions and constraints our culture tries so hard to place upon us. For this world can take so much from us if we let it.  Don’t let it. 

Arm yourself with the sacred knowledge that only you can determine your path. Only you can push away the depleting expectations of our culture, make room to thrive and become all you were meant to be. You know what fills you up. So do more of that.  Find your own rituals, see what resonates with you and make it your own. Be it a hot bath or a great book, even small spaces work wonders. Make time for them, everyday. 

Don’t listen to the outward voices that claim something different to what you know is true to you, what you feel you need. Only you can find your way back to your connected self and you already know how. You have all the tools and answers you need. You’ve just forgotten.  Make space for yourself to remember. It is all within you. It always has been. So reconnect with what’s important to you. And watch your beautiful self rise up and come alive again.

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